DTA: Блог




Этот вопрос родился после взгляда на статистику сайта лостармор, ведут с 2011 года

Lost Armour | Потери военной авиации стран мира | The world's air forces losses

Green color indicates the unit added (updated) in the past 24 hours Red color indicates the unit that was destroyed in the fighting The blue color indicates the unit that has been substantially damaged Detailed stats: Detailed stats: Detailed stats: Total accidents: 18 Detailed stats: Detailed stats: Detailed stats: //  lostarmour.info

Сначала подумал , может у них с налетом туго .

Но статейка уверяет , что с ним все нормально и даже больше чем у звездно-полосатых

Если , кратко, то средний налет между 150 и 200 часов, в любую погоду, ночью .
Today, that figure is closer to between 150 and 200 hours, which
according to The Wall Street Journal is at least 30 hours more than the
average flown by U.S. Air Force pilots in 2013. (That year, the U.S.
government's sequestration cut into the Air Force's training budget.) An
exhaustive RAND study also reported that Chinese pilots are now
routinely flying in adverse weather conditions and at night. Their
training increasingly includes minimally scripted and realistic
scenarios that encourage aircrews to show initiative and rely less on
ground control for directions as well. Exercises against opponents using
different aircraft and tactics are becoming more and more common, too.

The Mighty Dragon: A Symbol of China's Maturing Air Force | RealClearDefense

Forecast China's new stealth fighter, the J-20A Mighty Dragon, showcases the Chinese air force's remarkable progress over the past two decades. Nevertheless, significant deficits in equipment and... //  www.realcleardefense.com

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