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France increases defence spending
JAC Lewis JDW Correspondent

France's defence spending for 2007 will total EUR36.2 billion (USD46.3 billion): a 2.5 per cent increase on 2006

France will increase spending on defence for the fifth year in a row in 2007 by allocating EUR36.2 billion (USD46.3 billion) to buy new military equipment and cover the armed forces' operating costs, Defence Minister Michele Alliot-Marie announced on 27 September

The total will represent a 2.5 per cent increase over the global 2006 defence outlay and is to include EUR15.9 billion for military equipment. That is slightly more than the EUR15.7 billion being spent on hardware in 2006 and remains in line with President Jacques Chirac's commitment to regularly raise allocations for the duration of France's current 2003-08 military spending plan.

"We have honoured our pledge to increase spending each year," said Alliot-Marie in presenting what was the current centre-right government's last budget.

A new administration will come to office in France following presidential and legislative ballots in May 2007 and many quarters have voiced concern that the incoming government could cut defence spending.

Under the 2007 budget, French forces will receive 13 Rafale multirole combat fighter aircraft, six AS 665 Tiger combat helicopters and a final batch of eight Leclerc main battle tanks. Also, the air force is to take delivery of the first of France's new Armament Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM) bomb guidance kits following a lengthy delay in bringing them into service.

The 2007 equipment budget also sets aside nearly EUR700 million for contracts related to a second aircraft carrier, which France wishes to build in conjunction with the UK's CVF future carrier programme.

French Defence Ministry sources indicate the government wants to formally launch the project and issue contracts by the end of May 2007 in the hope of ensuring the programme will not be axed by a new administration.

Elsewhere, the 2007 budget has earmarked EUR375 million for France's overseas military operations as opposed to EUR175 million in 2006. If needed, additional money for foreign operations will come out of France's general budget.

Alliot-Marie also announced the government has allocated EUR638 million in 2007 for upstream research work on such projects as the Neuron unmanned combat aerial vehicle demonstrator and the Bulle Operationnelle Aeroterrestre (BOA) battle theatre demonstrator.

French defence spending has continued a steady upward trajectory from the early years of this decade, yet has declined as a percentage of GDP. The percentage stood at 2.04 per cent in 2004 and dipped to 1.94 per cent in 2005. It is expected to dip further to 1.92 per cent and 1.90 per cent in 2008 and 2009.



Posted 07/17/06 13:34Print this story India To Build 1,000 T-90 Tanks


India’s state-owned Ordnance Factories Board (OFB) has garnered its largest order to date: a $2.5 billion deal to produce 1,000 T-90 tanks for the Indian Army.
The order will be carried out in phases; the first 300-tank phase began last month, said a senior official of the board, which administers India’s 39 ordnance factories.
The official said the Army would order the remaining 700 tanks after the first batch is completed, likely by 2010.
The work will take place at ordnance factories at Medak in Andhra Pradesh state and at the Avadhi Heavy Vehicles factory in Tamil Nadu state, in southern India.
India already has received 310 T-90s through a 2001 agreement with Russia that delivered 124 tanks and kits for 186 more for assembly at Avadhi. The first locally assembled T-90 rolled out in January 2004, and the entire order has since been completed.
OFB Chairman Pradip Kumar Misra said that program created enough infrastructure at the Medak and Avadhi ordnance factories to enable indigenous production. Initially, 70 percent of the parts will be made in India, rising to 95 percent by 2010, Misra said.
One official said there have been “technical problems” with some components of the T-90s assembled at Avadhi, which will be fixed for indigenous production. Other Army sources said problems with the thermal imaging device hurts troop visibility at night.
The OFB official said all problems would be fixed during production by importing better components from overseas markets.
The Army needs the 1,000 T-90s to offset a shortage of tanks expected in the next two to three years, said the Army official. Nearly half of the current fleet of 3,200 tanks are to be scrapped by 2008.
The Army has decided to scrap all 800 Vijayanta tanks, which have been in service since 1966.
Other tanks slated for scrap by 2008 include about 500 T-55s. Some 400 T-72s may be scrapped or upgraded.
The Army has ordered 124 Arjun tanks from the Avadhi ordnance factory, but has yet to induct the five Arjuns produced so far due to technical snags.
The T-90 is replacing India’s Russian T-72 tanks in response to Pakistan’s purchase of T-80 tanks from Ukraine, said an Indian Army official. •



Минобороны РФ планирует закупить 69 комплексов "Тополь-М" до 2015 года

До 2015 года Россия закупит 69 комплексов "Тополь-М" шахтного и мобильного базирования, заявил вице-премьер, министр обороны РФ Сергей Иванов.

На встрече с руководством предприятий ОПК Волгоградской области Иванов отметил, что эти предприятия вносят решающий вклад в развитие ракетных комплексов стратегического назначения, основу вооружения которого составят комплексы "Тополь-М" наземного и шахтного базирования.

По словам Иванова, до 2015 года планируется закупить 69 таких установок ("Тополь-М").

Он сообщил также, что до 2015 года ракетными комплексами оперативно-тактического назначения "Искандер-М" будут оснащены пять ракетных бригад сухопутных войск.

Согласно проекту государственной программы вооружения до 2015 года будет закуплено: стратегических ракетных комплексов "Тополь-М" 69 единиц, ракетных комплексов сухопутных войск "Искандер-М" - 60 единиц для оснащения пяти бригад, самоходной противотанковой пушки "Спрут-СД" - 57 единиц и боевых бронетранспортеров десанта "Ракушка" - 499 единиц", сказал Иванов.

По словам вице-премьера, парк боевых машин ВДВ должен быть полностью обновлен.

Кроме того, по словам Иванова, на вооружение береговых войск будет закуплено несколько артиллерийских комплексов "Берег".

РИА "Новости", (13.07.2006)

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