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There’s good news and bad news in low energy nuclear reaction research at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT). The good news is that an LENR device in Professor Peter Hagelstein’s lab at MIT has been
running since January (nearly six months) and may have produced 1000 times the
energy of a comparable chemical reaction.
The device is the NANOR
created by Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy Inc. Hagelstein revealed details of
the device’s operation in a talk at the Atom Unexplored Conference in Turin,
Italy on May 4. A series of videos of the conference is now available on
YouTube and it indicates some exciting results. The video quality is pretty
lousy and Mr. Hagelstein isn’t a good public speaker but they’re well worth watching.

Hagelstein said Swartz used nano technology to embed palladium in a zirconium matrix. He said this was a revolutionary design. This
enabled Swartz to build an LENR device that Hagelstein can take into his
laboratory and observe the reactions first hand. The device apparently produces
an energy gain of 14. It’s been running at MIT since January when Swartz and
Hagelstein gave a short course in cold
fusion for a group of students
Hagelstein said that Swartz has demonstrated that the excess heat is real and that it can be
measured. That should enable further research.

“The basic message is that the device produces excess
power when the current is on,” Hagelstein said. “It’s a reproducible effect. It runs again from day to day.”

Hagelstein’s remarks seem to indicate that Swartz’s
device is reliable and that it can
be used to create heat on a regular basis. That means that Swartz might be
close to creating an LENR device that can be used as a heat source and to
generate steam for power.

The bad news is that there is still resistance to cold fusion from the scientific
establishment. In another video Hagelstein revealed that he had convinced some
executives at a major corporation in the United States to fund LENR research at MIT. The research
would have been an attempt to duplicate some of Piantelli’s work.

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