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t.> различные образцы БТТ привозимые на Поклонку

Выставка трофейной техники тогда и сейчас: 1945/2024
1 мая на Поклонной горе в столице откроется выставка трофейной техники из зоны СВО. Поверженные немецкие танки уже привозили в столицу почти 80 лет назад — в июне 1945-го. Военную технику побеждённой Германии тогда установили в Парке Горького. Была среди экспонатов и БМП «Marder». И вот немецкая бронемашина снова в Москве в качестве утилизированного западного «подарка» Украине.

Трофейная техника - Абрамс и Леопард на Поклонной горе в Москве
Видео с первого дня выставки техники на Поклонной горе в Москве. Абрамс привезли с утра.

Выставка трофейной техники на Поклонной горе (много фото) (Granderator)

На Поклонной горе в Москве открыли выставку трофейного вооружения и военной техники Всего на Поклонную гору доставили больше 30 образцов военной техники производства США, Великобритании, Германии, Франции, Турции, Швеции, Чехословакии, ЮАР, Финляндии, Австралии, Австрии и Украины. Как пояснили в Минобороны, некоторые машины российские военнослужащие захватили в боях в районах сел Работино и Малая Токмачка Запорожской области и под Авдеевкой в ДНР. //
Это сообщение редактировалось 01.05.2024 в 22:06


t.>> различные образцы БТТ привозимые на Поклонку

иностранная реакция

Russia to show off Western vehicles captured in Ukraine during Victory Day celebrations
Russia has boasted that it will showcase captured Nato equipment in Moscow during its Victory Day celebrations commemorating the end of the Second World War. The month-long exhibition will feature 30 different vehicles from 12 countries, including German Leopard 2 tanks and American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles seized on the battlefields of Ukraine, the Russian defence ministry said.

British and US military vehicles paraded in Russia
Captured British armoured cars have been put on display in Moscow alongside weapons and tanks seized from Ukrainian forces. A Saxon armoured personnel carrier, part of a consignment donated to Ukraine in 2015, was pictured alongside a German Leopard tank in Moscow's Victory Park. Read the best of our journalism: Subscribe to The Times and The Sunday Times YouTube channel: Find us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter: Find us…

'Our victory is inevitable!': Moscow exhibition showcases Western tanks captured from Ukraine
Military hardware, including tanks, captured by Russia in Ukraine, are on display in Victory Park for a month-long open-air exhibition leading up to the country’s Victory Day celebrations. READ MORE : Spark your senses, wake your wonder.

Putin Rubs Salt On West's Wounds With Show On Weapons Taken From Ukraine; Watch What's On Display
Russia kicked off an exhibition showcasing captured western weapons from Ukraine. The exhibition in Moscow comprises of 32 pieces of military hardware. Russia claims that NATO weapons put on display were captured during the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Russian defence ministry released pictures of different vehicles on display, captioning them, "Our victory is inevitable”.

Putin Parades Ukraine 'War Trophies' In Moscow | 'No NATO Weapons Can...'
Vladimir Putin celebrated the West's "humiliation" on Ukraine's battlefield in Moscow. Russia has kicked off a month-long exhibition of captured NATO military hardware. The exhibition is being held in front of the Victory Museum at Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. It features 32 units of various armored equipment that the Russian Army has captured in Ukraine.


t.>>> различные образцы БТТ привозимые на Поклонку
t.> иностранная реакция

Moscow exhibition shows off Western arms captured from Ukraine

Military hardware, including tanks, captured by Russia in Ukraine, are on display in Victory Park for a month-long open-air exhibition leading up to the country’s Victory Day celebrations. //

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Kremlin parades Western equipment captured from Ukrainian army at Moscow exhibition

An exhibition of Western military equipment captured from Kyiv forces during the fighting in Ukraine has opened in the Russian capital. //

Russia to display captured US-made Abrams tank "trophy" in Moscow

A Russian official said the tank will be part of an exhibition showing Western equipment that Russia has seized from Ukraine. //

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