Don Pedro: Все сообщения за 14 Июля 2023 года

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Don Pedro


D.P.>> Похоже на что-то семафорное. Какие будут уточнения?
P.B.> Скотт известен изобретением тренажеров для стрельбы. Видимо, это один из них.

Genial, mi amigo! :)

Спасибо , Вы подтолкнули мой поиск в нужном направлении! Да, это "игрушки" адмирала сэра Перси Скотта.

Dotter - The Dreadnought Project

The Dotter was a training device invented by Percy Scott c. 1900-02 to permit gunlayers to practice continuous aim and to measure their success, all without expending ammunition. It became one of the hallmarks of Scott's transformation of Royal Navy gunnery and exemplified how his innovations were often syntheses of drill and equipment. Its nature and its various configurations are outlined in Manual of Gunnery (Volume III) for His Majesty's Fleet, 1915. The dotter consisted of a frame in which a small moving ship target moved up and down as a gunnery drill instructor worked a handle or under the influence of a motor. //  Дальше —
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