x-Merlin: Все сообщения за 24 Ноября 2021 года

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из Договора "Explanatory Memorandum" с Британией(на языке оригинала):
The purpose of the Treaty is to allow Ukraine to access UKEF supported financing for contracts with eligible UK contractors meeting certain UK content levels, in connection with the Ukrainian state investment project to procure naval capabilities, the Ukrainian Naval Capabilities Enhancement Programme (“UNCEP”). UNCEP consists of the procurement of two mine counter-measures vessels (MCMV) and their delivery and maintenance, the joint UK/Ukraine production of eight missile ships, the delivery of and retrofit of weapons systems to existing vessels, the joint production of a frigate and consultancy and technical support for the building of naval infrastructure including the delivery of equipment.

PS имхо, совместное строительство фрегата это о достройке корвета ВВ в другом варианте



RoyalJib> Опять откопали стюардессу?
- откопали или нет пока не ясно, но есть намерения... :D

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