BrAB: Все сообщения за 18 Августа 2006 года

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Ради такой хохмы новой темы не жалко :D

Anniversaries celebrated by Member States | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

AnniversariesCelebrating and drawing attention to personalities, works or events that have contributed to the mutual enrichment of cultures helps to promote international understanding, closer relations among peoples and peace. UNESCO therefore participates since 1956 in the commemorations of historic events and in the anniversaries of eminent personalities celebrated by Member States and Associate Members, in order to give them worldwide significance.
Anniversaries of historic events and of eminent…

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Что скажет на это Кило?
Было у еврея всё плохо. Пришел за советом к равину. Тот - напиши над дверью - "Так будет не всегда". Стало всё ок. Пошел он благодарить. А тот ему - надпись не стирай. Злой чечен ползет на берег. ©Лермонтов  

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