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ну с подростками примерно понятно, а вот тут что-то вообще удивительное - мужик выпал из Торнадо... Интересно поискать детали - но о ошибочном катапультировании речь вроде не идет...

Tornado Test Flight Victim Named

Updated:02:20, Friday November 16, 2007
The identity of a civilian navigator who died when he exited a Tornado bomber during a routine test flight has been released.

Mike Harland left the RAF aircraft when the jet went into an inverted roll over Norfolk.

His body was found in a field near South Creake about 45 minutes later and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

The aircraft involved in the incident, which is based at RAF Marham, landed safely.

The RAF has not revealed whether the navigator ejected, or whether it was unintentional.

The Tornado GR4, the RAF's primary attack aircraft, was being crewed by civilian pilot and navigator working for aeronautical company BAE Systems.

RAF spokesman Rem Merrick said: "It's with deepest sadness that the MoD has learnt that the BAE Systems navigator who was involved in the incident has died.

"Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time."

He added: "The aircraft was crewed by BAE Systems staff. They were carrying out a test flight. The aircraft went into an inverted roll. The navigator exited the aircraft.

"We cannot speculate on the cause. It's being investigated by the board of inquiry. No other aircraft were involved."

Nigel Whitehead, of BAE Systems, said: "It is with great regret and sadness that I can confirm that Mike died in an incident during a test flight of a Tornado aircraft from RAF Marham.

"Mike worked for BAE Systems for four years and was a well-known and much respected member of the team.

"He will be deeply missed by all of his colleagues and our thoughts are with his family and friends.

"It would be wrong to speculate on the circumstances surrounding the incident at this time and it would be inappropriate of us to do so at present as there will be an MoD Board of Inquiry.

"We will give our full support to this inquiry and we will do everything we can to support Mike's family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time."

BAE Systems employs about 250 people at RAF Marham and holds a £130m contract to maintain and upgrade the RAF's fleet of Tornado GR4 aircraft.
Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. George Orwell  

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