apple17: Все сообщения за 21 Декабря 2017 года

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26 июня 2017 года
Автор Andrew Linnett

A handout photo made available by MOD shows the HMS Queen Elizabeth, the first QE Class aircraft carrier, awaiting low tide before departing from Rosyth, Scotland, 26 June 2017. The Royal Navy's new aircraft carrier will commence first stage sea trials off the north east coast of Scotland. Three years after she was officially named by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Nation?s future flagship will spend an initial period of around six weeks at sea to test the fundamentals of the ship. The sea trials will monitor speed, manoeuvrability, power and propulsion as well as undertaking weapons trials and additional tests on her levels of readiness. She will transit to her homeport of Portsmouth Naval Base to be handed over to the Royal Navy later this year. EPA/Andrew Linnett HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES


ReST> 561 Йемен 1975

57А Или

или "Гневный"

Надо тов. Муратова спрашивать ибо в 1975 году пишут был такой номер у "Гневного", но у него четко в Африке 998 был а потом уже 562

а "Гордый" 561 тоже потом имел.
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