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Катер береговой охраны Тайваня PP-3511 в порту Гаосюня, 10 июня 2023 года
Автор: Chiang Ying-ying

Crew members of the Taiwan Coast Guard salute after an offshore anti-terrorism drill outside the Kaohsiung harbor in Kaohsiung, southwestern Taiwan, Saturday, June 10, 2023. During Saturday's drills, Taiwanese security officers demonstrated how they would defend against terrorist acts at sea. Some climbed from small boats onto a vessel controlled by “terrorists” and brought them under control. Others rappelled down from a flying helicopter. The stimulation ended with a dramatic scene in which some officers hung in the air as they were sent back to the helicopter. (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)

+ 2 фото CG-125 с показухой
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