st_Paulus: Все сообщения за 26 Октября 2015 года

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Harsh conditions are foiling Russian jets in Syria

WASHINGTON – Russian combat and transport warplanes in Syria sent to back the regime of Bashar Assad are breaking down at a rapid rate and may be affecting their ability to strike targets, according to a //
WASHINGTON – Russian warplanes sent to Syria to back the regime of Bashar Assad are breaking down at a rapid rate that appears to be affecting their ability to strike targets, according to a senior Defense official.

Nearly one-third of Russian attack planes and half of its transport aircraft are grounded at any time as the harsh, desert conditions take a toll on equipment and crews, said the official who was not authorized to speak publicly about sensitive intelligence matters.


"They could have bad operating procedures, inadequate supplies of spare parts and support crews," Aboulafia said.

Согласно анонимному источникуТМ в министерстве обороны (очевидно США) треть ударных и половина транспортных самолетов РФ в Сирии не летают. Что слегка снизило частоту ударов.

"Плохое обслуживание, неадекватные запчасти и криворукие техники." - согласно некоему эксперту Richard Aboulafia. Как он все это оценил - ума не приложу.

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