st_Paulus: Все сообщения за 9 Мая 2017 года

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Two-thirds of Britons have had mental health problems – survey

Figures suggest problem is getting worse, with younger adults more likely than older people to say they have experienced illness //

Две трети взрослого населения Британии (не Великобритания) жаловались на те или иные проблемы с психикой.



In a First, Japan Wants to Buy Tomahawk Cruise Missiles

The pacifist country wants the ability to destroy North Korean missiles before they launch. //

К вопросу об окружении РФ носителями КР на постоянной основе.



Android> Я тут заинтересовался, а почему сосиска молчит? :eek:

Не, так бы он частично унтерменьшем стал.



Car bomb hits Thailand's troubled south, injures 51

PATTANI, Thailand: More than 50 people including children were injured on Tuesday (May 9) when a car bomb exploded outside a supermarket in Thailand's insurgency-plagued south, police said, the largest attack for months on a civilian target there. The Muslim-majority border region has seethed with violence for over a decade as ethnic Malay insurgents battle the Buddhist-majority state for more autonomy. The latest attack hit the town of Pattani around 2.00pm with two bombs going off outside the Big C, a busy supermarket near the town centre. The first device was packed inside a motorcycle in the car park, officers said, spreading panic among shoppers. "The second blast was a car bomb," Pattani police commander Major General Thanongsak Wangsupa told AFP. Deputy national police spokesman Krissana Pattanacharoen told reporters 51 people were injured by the blasts, four of them seriously. Video posted by a witness on Twitter showed the second blast detonate in a large fireball, sending bystanders running for cover. Police were at the scene and appeared to be encouraging people to move back when the second blast struck. In heavy rain forensic officers started searching through the twisted remains of the car looking for clues, an AFP photographer said. A large swathe of the supermarket storefront had been blown away, replaced by a twisted mess of charred metal. "I heard a very loud explosion," a resident who lives close to the supermarket told AFP, requesting anonymity. "Minutes after that, I heard the sirens of rescue cars and ambulances. I feel bad about it ... it happened at a place where people go to buy things." Near-daily shootings and bomb attacks have claimed more than 6,800 lives since 2004, with both sides accused of rights abuses. The simmering insurgency plays out far from Thailand's popular tourist resorts and receives little international attention as a result. The UN children's agency condemned those behind the blasts for targeting an area where youngsters would be present. "No child's life should ever be put at risk in this way. This is wholly unacceptable," said UNICEF's Thailand representative Thomas Davin. Talks between the Thai junta and an umbrella group claiming to represent the rebel foot-soldiers have staggered along for years without any result. Thai negotiators do not believe their rebel interlocutors have the power to stop the violence. The rebels want peace talks to include international observers, as well as discussions on devolving political power and on protecting their Malay-Muslim culture. But shortly before Tuesday's attack junta chief Prayut Chan-O-Cha reiterated his opposition to foreign involvement in solving the festering conflict. "We must keep this issue away from the reach of the international arena," he told reporters in Bangkok. Твиттер Твиттер Твиттер //

Теракт в Таиланде: более 50 человек пострадали от взрыва в торговом центре

В провинции Паттани на юге Таиланда прогремели два взрыва в одном из торговых центров. В результате инцидента пострадали 56 человек. //



ISIS beheads Russian intelligence officer in Syria

ISIS has published a video through social media showing the beheading of a Russian intelligence officer who was captured in Syria, according to the US-based SITE monitoring website. //

В Совфеде прокомментировали слухи о казни ИГИЛ российского полковника в Сирии

Ранее в СМИ появились сообщения о том, что ИГ распространило видео, на котором обезглавливают якобы российского полковника Евгения Петренко //

В Минобороны опровергли достоверность видеоролика ИГИЛ с "казнью русского полковника"

МО РФ опровергло сообщение о захвате и казни российского офицера, выполнявшего задачи на территории Сирии. Ранее отдельные СМИ сообщили, что на ресурсах запрещенного в России "Исламского государства" появился видеоролик, на котором запечатлена казнь человека, называемого полковником Петренко. //



sam7> Мужики не любят умных женщин.

Вот это как раз спорно.

sam7> Племянница (кандидат наук) так и не может устроить свою жизнь.

"Образованный" и "умный" это две большие разницы.



s.P.>> Вот это как раз спорно.
sam7> Увы, факт.

Такого рода обобщения как правило просто оправдание, которое человек сам для себя выбирает. "Умных не любят", "мужики козлы" и т.п.

Как правило причина (если она есть) кроется в чем-то, в чем человек не хочет признаваться даже самому себе, не говоря уже о знакомых и близких.

Ну и прежде всего, выбор партнера - это процесс многофакторный. И воспринимаемый уровень интеллекта - это только один из параметров. Для каждого отдельного человека он имеет свой вес.

Сильно подозреваю, что если кто-то и проводил исследование значимости, то получил в итоге стандартное распределение.



Falcon Heavy Center Core Test Firing
A clip of SpaceX testing the center core for the first Falcon Heavy launch system, which is expected to launch later this year. The firing took place at SpaceX's test facility in McGregor, Texas.

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