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[최초공개] 해군 209급 잠수함 1번함 장보고함 내외부 작전모습 및 승조원 생활 세부 영상 / 해군제공
해군이 209급 잠수함의 1번함인 장보고함의 내부 영상을 처음으로 공개했습니다. 잠수함 출항 준비, 승조원들의 생활상을 한 눈에 볼 수 있습니다. 이렇게 열악한 환경속에서 묵묵히 임무를 수행해온 해군 잠수함 승조원들께 감사와 격려의 박수를 보냅니다. 자세한 내용은 해군 제공 풀 영상을 참고하세요

Вот эта ПЛ:

Chang Bogo-class submarine - Wikipedia

The Chang Bogo-class submarine (Hangul: 장보고급 잠수함, Hanja: 張保皐級潛水艦) is a variant of the Type 209 diesel-electric attack submarine initially developed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) of Germany, intended for service with the South Korean Navy and Indonesian Navy. A Daewoo (DSME)-upgraded model of the Chang Bogo class Type 209 is being independently exported by Korea to Indonesia in 2012, after a series of heavy competitions from Russian, French, and German-Turkish consortiums including from Germany's original Type 209. The variant is being considered for possible purchase by Thailand as well, as both newly built and second-hand options. The class is named for Korean maritime figure Jang Bogo. //  Дальше —
Это сообщение редактировалось 19.09.2017 в 07:43



Divergence> 22.06.41 ведь умудрились прошляпить... Что с тех пор изменилось?

Напомни - сколько спутников в тот момент было на орбите? А радаров СПРН? А сколько МБР стартовало?



Canada flagged as hidden $14 trillion credit bubble stokes global crisis fears

The world’s top financial watchdog has uncovered $14 trillion of global dollar debt hidden in bank report ‘footnotes’ //

Не нашел темы про финансы Канады - перенесите пожалуйста если есть. Если правда ухнет, то мало не покажется и USD - 14 триллионов скрытого в деривативах и свопах долга.

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