st_Paulus: Все сообщения за 21 Августа 2020 года

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Bredonosec> а я надеюсь, что их вообще ни в каком виде не найдут. Типа были - и нету. С концами.

Мне кажется профилактический эффект меньше.



t.> Германская зенитная самоходная установка для борьбы с малыми БЛА - ВПК.name

Немного рекламы оттуда:

Rheinmetall Air Defence: Countering modern air threats
Modern threats require efficient and state-of-the-art responses. Rheinmetall Air Defence is specialized in short range air defence and has continously upgraded the fielded systems to match the ever evolving air threats. Vital asset and force protection against aggressors from the air is where the passion for these systems stems from.

Rheinmetall Air Defence: Oerlikon Skyranger 35 - Mobile Air Defence System
The Oerlikon Skyranger® 35 is a mobile ground based air defence (GBAD) system, which can be deployed against air targets at short and very short ranges and against ground targets. The Skyranger is equipped with state-of-the-art search and tracking sensors, which provide seamless 360° air and ground surveillance and accurate fire control data.

Rheinmetall Air Defence: Oerlikon Skyguard 3 Air Defence System
Third generation of the legendary Oerlikon Skyguard® Air Defence product line. Optimized for inner tier and vital asset protection, the Skyguard 3 Air Defence System combines modern fire control with the fire power of up to four effectors, such as the Oerlikon Twin Gun® GDF009 using the highly effective Oerlikon Ahead® Air Burst Technology, and VSHORAD missile launchers.

Rheinmetall Air Defence: Oerlikon Millennium Gun - 35 mm high precision naval gun system
The 35 mm Oerlikon Millennium Gun® with its unique Ahead air burst ammunition is a multi-mission, inner layer defence system (ILDS) capable of defeating anti-ship missiles and aircraft, multiple fast-attack surface craft, jet-skis and near-shore land targets in littoral and riverine waters. Additionally it is also effective against submarine periscopes, offering an ASW capability.



Edu> Кетайские товарищи в т.ч..

Тут нет скрытого смысла. Просто ролик. Тонут такие вещи относительно регулярно - в США например тоже утопили в начале августа. Причем с семью морпехами и одним моряком.

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