st_Paulus: Все сообщения за 8 Марта 2022 года

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Russians reportedly planting bombs in Ukraine that look like toys

The report has surfaced as the number of Ukrainian civilian casualties rises and Russia faces international scrutiny for possible war crimes. //
"The occupiers are scattering explosive devices that look like children's toys around the city," the outlet, Hromadske International, wrote in a recent tweet. Citing the Mariupol City Council, the tweet added, "Residents are urged not to touch such objects."

Ребята решили расчехлить всю классику холодной войны - теперь "ВС РФ разбрасывают бомбы в виде игрушек".



Russia destroyed Ukraine nuclear neutron generator - IAEA chief

Asked if this meant that Russia had attacked a facility protected by IAEA safeguards rules, Grossi paused, but then answered, "yes, when there is nuclear material." //
IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi on Monday told a press conference that Russia's military assault on Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station led to the destruction of a neutron generator in one of the facilities on the campus.

His answer came in response to a question from the media about what would happen if Russia's attack harmed the generator.

Until now it had been reported that Russian forces fired on the facility, but the results of the attack were unknown.

"Apparently it has been destroyed," said Grossi matter-of-factly, leaving the assembled media shocked.

However, he then tried to assure those present that the situation would not be a new Chernobyl-style disaster, saying, "the neutron generator facility had a very small inventory. It was a subcritical facility to use neutrons for scientific experiments."

"It was a relatively new one [facility], part of an operation between the US and Ukraine from the Obama administration. It was a scientific institute," he said.

Гендир МАгАтЭ заявил, что на запорожской АЭС мы уничтожили некий экспериментальный источник нейтронов. Никто случайно не в курсе о сути эксперимента? Раз под эгидой МАгАтЭ - какая-то информация должна быть.

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