Salo Ukr: Все сообщения за 5 Мая 2017 года

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Salo Ukr


Ракета Ariane-5 впервые за полтора месяца стартовала из Гвианы после забастовки рабочих

Забастовщики на несколько недель перекрыли въезд на территорию космического центра, снять блокаду удалось лишь 22 апреля //

Ariane 5 launches Communications Satellites for Brazil & South Korea
Video Credit: Arianespace Launch Updates: Europe’s Ariane 5 rocket thundered into the twilight skies over the Guiana Space Center on Thursday, embarking on a heavy-lift mission to haul a pair of communications satellites into orbit for Brazil and South Korea. Resuming launches from French Guiana after a month-long stand-still due to a general strike, Ariane 5 checked off its 78th successful flight in a row when dispatching its two passengers into a highly elliptical orbit.

ARCHIVE: Ariane 5 Rocket to Launch SGDC and Koreasat-7
Arianespace are set to launch their largest rocket in their fleet the Ariane 5 tonight at 20:31 UTC with two passengers - SGDC and Koreasat-7.
Были и мы когда-то рысаками!  53.053.0

Salo Ukr


GSLV-F09 / GSAT-9 South Asia Satellite Launched Successfully
The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle or GSLV, called the "naughty boy" by scientists, has lifted off on time from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, carrying a 450-crore South Asia communications satellite that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has gifted to six South Asian neighbours. Pakistan has opted out of the project.
Были и мы когда-то рысаками!  53.053.0

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