Carpe diеm: Все сообщения за 4 Ноября 2016 года

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Carpe diеm

Компартия США агитирует за Клинтон. С упоением так это делает.

Hillary´s hour

A CubaNews translation. Edited by Walter Lippmann. Ricardo Alarcon is the former speaker of Cuba's National Assembly and member of Central Committee and Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba. //

Do you want Trump’s finger on the nuclear trigger?

Trump’s foreign policy approach totally lacks coherence. His advisors are an eclectic collection of right-wingers, kooks, and extremists. Some have no foreign policy experience whatsoever but it's Trump's finger that will be on the nuclear trigger. Read more. //

Video: Black helicopters, globalists? Trump and the new world order

As the Donald Trump campaign careens from crisis to crisis new dangers to democracy have emerged: first with the casting of his campaign as a civilizational struggle between globalists and patriots and most recently with the charge that the election is rigged. //

Carpe diеm

Газету The Washington Post не перестает волновать роль России в грядущих выборах в США. Целый бывший директор ЦРУ несет простым американцам правду о тайно управляемом из Кремля Трампе.

Former CIA chief: Trump is Russia’s useful fool

And that’s the nicest way of characterizing the GOP presidential nominee’s views toward Vladimir Putin. //

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