Militarist: Все сообщения за 8 Апреля 2011 года

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Militarist>Да, Иглы тоже умели бросать чугунки, но Фалконы делали это лучше.Их прицелы были лучше для работы по земле.
EvgenyVB> тогда ссылочку приведите, что на период этой операции все было именно так.

Одну ссылочку я уже привел раньше:
Militarist> “Close Air Support” by Peter Smith. New York: Orion books, 1990. “…Some idea of the importance of the attack mission for the F-16A can be gained from its rather basic APG-66 radar which nevertheless had no fewer than seven air-to-ground modes. These included real-beam ground mapping, expanded real-beam ground mapping, Doppler beam sharpening, air-to-ground ranging, sea surface search and freeze, the last of which enables the picture on the plan position indicator in the cockpit to remain the same as on the last sweep, showing the aircraft’s progress across the screen and allowing the radar to be put on standby until next needed."

А вот ещё одна: “Designed for the kill” by Mike Spick. UK: Airlife, 1995.

"In its original form, the APG-66 had 11 modes, 4 of them air-to-air, the rest – air-to-surface or navigation".

Yacc> Не порите чушь, ей больно... Исполнительные устройства в том и том случае - гидравлика. Золотниками подачи и там и там управляют электромагниты в режиме автоматического бомбометания.

Перед гидравликой ещё кое-что есть.

Информация из нижеприведенного источника:

“The F-16 is a lightweight tactical fighter with exceptional maneuverability. It utilizes a state-of-the-art “fly-by-wire” system of electrical controls instead of the conventional mechanical linkages. This enables the airplane to respond quicker and more accurately”.

Militarist> То есть один тянет, скажем, на один процент сильнее, чем другой.
Yacc> Это компенсируется рулями. Бомбардировщики же вообще многодвигательные.

Для бомберов это не так актуально. А компенсация рулями не рулит. Рулит один движок. Если мы говорим о тонкостях этого дела.

Yacc> Особенно - в воздушном бою без ПТБ. В ударной конфигурации с тяжелым грузом для приемлемого радиуса надо тащить ПТБ.

А кому не надо? Если даже так!

Militarist> по ней вполне можно судить о боевом потенциале Фалкона - его 'дальнобойности', грузоподъемности, надежности его двигателя, способности метать чугуний.
Yacc> О всем этом судят по статистике, собранной на основе регулярных применений в такой конфигурации. Одна точка ничего не дает.

Militarist> Ну, тут я с вами категорически не согласен. Использование Ф-16 по наземным целям, это вовсе никакая не проба и не эксперимент. Он с момента поступления в войска был предназначен и для наземных целей тоже.

Yacc> Практических доказательств подчеркнутой фразы до 1986 года я не увидел. Даже на примере Израиля, который его тем не менее очень успешно использовал как истребитель.

Я знаю, что выкладывать большое кол-во текста на иностранном языке не приветствуется, но текст информативный и достаточно много народу способного его осилить. А если у кого возникнут трудности, многие могут помочь. В общем выкладываю.

“The lessons of modern war” (volume 1) by A. Cordesman and A. Wagner.

San Francisco: Westview Press, 1990.

Сперва об ударах по наземным целям в долине Бекаа и участии в них Ф-16:

“Most accounts agree that the rear-area mission was accomplished by a combination of F-16s with conventional and cluster bombs and F-4s with Shrike and Standard ARM missiles”.

“Israel used the extremely accurate bombing computers on its F-16s and Kfirs to send conventional iron and cluster bombs against the SA-8 and SA-9 units tracked with RPVs.
The F-16 was in particular effective due to its high speed and ability to escape the target area”.

“At the same time, Israeli F-4 and F-16 fighters flew extensive chaff and flare missions virtually blanketing the area. These warplanes were equipped with active jamming pods with updated versions of the Wild Weasel technology the US developed for the F-4G and Israeli systems Elta EL/M-2001B.”

“The end result was that the IDF killed 17 of 19 SA-6 Syrian missile sites in the Bekaa and several SA-2 and SA-3 sites. It was accomplished in no more than 20 minutes of active combat. The IAF also deserves credit for its ability to suppress the SA-7, SA-8 and SA-9”.

Отсюда следует, что Ф-16 aктивно применялись против наземных целей.

Кое-что ещё:

The IAF used its F-15s to provide autonomous search and forward control in detail. Israel has modified the original US advanced radar processing system that provides automatic detection, target acquisition and clutter suppression to meet its needs. This means improved coverage of ground targets and special software to allow joint operation with other Israeli sensor and early warning (AW) aircraft in air-defense-suppression and air-defense operations.

The Israeli E-2C evidently had also modified ALR59 passive detection systems tailored to provide ELINT and ESM capabilities that matched the electronic orders of battle of Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This doubles some aspects of the E-2C detection range as well as provides a function missing from any version of the E-3A. Similar modifications or add-ons seem to exist for the E-2C’s Litton L-304 computer.

The Israeli 707 ECM aircraft is both an electronic warfare and a command post aircraft and is semi-palletized (полуавтоматизирован) to allow specific configuration for a given mission. These 707 ECM aircraft had ECM capabilities that far outclassed the limited frequency agility of the SA-6 and could use data from the Mastiff RPV and alter its jamming patterns against systems like the SA-6 in near real time. Israel also equipped these aircraft with a sophisticated microprocessor-controlled exciter manufactured by Elta. This is called the E1/K7012 and allows the Israelis to use selective rather than barrage or noise jamming with minimal out-of-phase noise or spurious emission. This gives Israel an immunity to self-jamming which is SUPERIOR to that of any NATO country.

Israel deployed a mix of RPVs designed to force the Syrian units to activate their radars and engage them while other RPVs were sent to observe critical targets and provide real time ELINT on key units such as the SA-6. Some of these RPVs were specially adapted to give the radar profile and speed of Israeli fighters and so forced the Syrians to fire at them. This allowed to pinpoint the Syrian SAM radars for IAF strikes at them with anti-radiation missiles. The Israelis also used launched from F-4s Samson drones which had a radar signature and speed very close to IAF fighters.

Israeli artillery batteries also hit at Syrian radar, SAM and other air-defense sites and sustained the initial surge of fire by carefully planned harassment fire throughout the attack. There are reports that Israel specially modified its A-4 Skyhawks to suppress and attack ZSU-23-4 radar-guided AA guns. In addition, Israeli fighters were supported by Avra Stol 202 forward ECM aircraft. This is a light aircraft carrying a dedicated jammer. The Israelis also used Beech aircraft as forward ELINT collectors as well as CH-53 helicopters with airborne jammers.

While Israel established its full active and passive ECM blanket, low-flying fighters popped up from the blind spot in the Syrian radar coverage behind the southwestern mountain line of the Bekaa valley and began to use Standard, Shrike and Israeli-made anti-radiation missiles and electro-optical missiles like Maverick against the la…

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