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wstil> Или в данном случае "ствол" - эвфемизм, и имеется в виду и работа с ау, с су, еще чем-то?
там не только ствол надо менять, но и всю систему заряжания... кроме того, AGS имеет увеличенный объем каморы по сравнению со стандартной 155mm гаубицей:

it’s not just the gun barrel that has to be modified but the entire gun and munition handling system. The Zumwalt was, literally, built around the AGS and its munition handling system which was precisely sized for the LRLAP.
the NATO Jt MoU for the 155mm gun has gas a chamber volume of 23L whereas the the AGS uses a non-standard chamber of 29.5L (1,800 in3) to fire the 225 lb LRLAP. All NATO army shells are approx. 100 lbs manufactured to withstand max. pressure from 23L of powder.

Excalibur - LRLAP Replacement

The Navy recently cancelled the Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP) that was the sole ammunition for the Zumwalt’s 155 mm Advanced Gu... //
Это сообщение редактировалось 15.12.2016 в 19:39

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