George: Все сообщения за 16 Апреля 2001 года

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Darth>VoV Keen, [i]огромное[/i] спасибо за ссылку! Вот еще бы где фото «Базальта» найти…

Фотографии нет, могу только текст из Джейна дать:

While no photographs of the `Sandbox' missile (4K80) have been
released, drawings believed to originate with intelligence sources do permit a description of the missile. It has a cylindrical body whose front is slim with a sharply pointed nose. Two-thirds of the way along it bulges before tapering towards the rear. The missile is powered by a turbo-jet and there is a small air intake about half way along the body. The missile is believed to use a solid propellant booster to clear the launcher and enter the cruising phase.
There are two short, swept-back wings which are believed to be
folded when the missile is in its launcher. A triangular vertical stabiliser is at the top of the missile behind the wings and there is another on the underside at the tail. Two short, swept-back fins are located at the rear of the missile forward of the rear stabiliser.
The missile features command or inertial guidance with the option of mid-course updates. There is believed to be an active radar seeker for the terminal phase. The payload consisted of either a 1,000 kg high explosive warhead or a 350 kT nuclear device, but the latter have now been removed.

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