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Serge Pod>Прибалтийский судостроительный завод "Янтарь" предлагает на экспорт сторожевой корабль "Корсар" нового проекта 11541 (06.04.01 16:05:19)

Бедный завод "Янтарь" - это что-то типа голоса из могилы. Единственный СКР проекта 1154 построен в 1990 году. Два (?) корпуса разломали в 97-98гг., правда, может быть один и остался. Вот что пишет Jane's:

Displacement, tons: 3,450 standard; 4,250 full load
Dimensions, feet (metres): 430.4 oa; 403.5 wl x 50.9 x (15.7131.2; 123 x 15.5 x 4.8)
Main machinery: COGAG; 2 gas turbines; 48,600 hp(m) (35.72 MW); 2 gas turbines; 24,200 hp(m) (17.79 MW); 2 shafts
Speed, knots: 30
Range, miles: 4,500 at 16 kt
Complement: 210 (35 officers)

Missiles: SSM: Fitted for but not with 16 SS-N-25 (4 quad).
SS-CX-5 Sapless (possibly a version of SS-N-22 (Moskit M)) may be carried (see Torpedoes).
SAM: 4 SA-N-9 Gauntlet (Klinok) sextuple vertical launchers [ref 1]; command guidance; active radar homing to 12 km (6.5 n miles) at 2 Mach; warhead 15 kg. 32 missiles.
SAM/Guns: 2 CADS-N-1 (Kortik/Kashtan) [ref 2]; each has a twin 30 mm Gatling combined with 8 SA-N-11 (Grisson) and Hot Flash/Hot Spot fire-control radar/optronic director. Laser beam guidance for missiles to 8 km (4.4 n miles); warhead 9 kg; 9,000 rds/min (combined) to 1.5 km (for guns).
A/S: SS-N-15/16; inertial flight to 120 km (65 n miles); payload Type 40 torpedo or nuclear warhead; fired from torpedo tubes.
Guns: 1-3.9 in (100 mm)/59 [ref 3]; 60 rds/min to 15 km (8.2 n miles); weight of shell 16 kg.
Torpedoes: 6-21 in (533 mm) tubes combined with A/S launcher [ref 4]; can fire SS-N-15/16 missiles with Type 40 anti-submarine torpedoes or 53 cm torpedoes (see table at front of section).
A/S mortars: 1 RBU 12,000 [ref 5]; 10-tubed trainable; range 12,000 m; warhead 80 kg.
Mines: 2 rails.
Countermeasures: Decoys: 8 PK 10 and 2 PK 16 chaff launchers.
ESM/ECM: Intercept and jammers. 2 Foot Ball; 2 Half Hat; 4 Half Cup laser intercept.
Weapons control: 2 Bell Crown datalink.
Radars: Air/surface search: Top Plate [ref 6]; 3D; D/E-band.
Navigation: 2 Palm Frond; I-band.
Fire control: Cross Sword [ref 7] (for SAM); K-band. Kite Screech B [ref8] (for SSM and guns); I-band.
IFF: 2 Salt Pot; 4 Box Bar.
Sonars: Ox Yoke and Whale Tongue; hull-mounted; active search and attack; medium frequency. Ox Tail; VDS [ref 9] or towed sonar array.

Helicopters: 1 Ka-27 Helix [ref 10].

Programmes: The first of class started sea trials in the Baltic in December 1990. Second of class was launched in May 1991, but in October 1998 the shipyard stated the hull would be sold for scrap to pay outstanding debts. The third was launched in July 1993 with only the hull completed and was scrapped in December 1997 without any further work being done.
Structure: Slightly larger than the Krivak and has a helicopter which is a standard part of the armament of modern Western frigates. There are three horizontal launchers at main deck level on each side of the ship, angled at 18є from forward. These double up for A/S missiles of the SS-N-15/16 type using a `plunge-fly-plunge' launch and flight and normal torpedoes. Similar launchers are behind shutters in the last three of the `Kirov' class. The helicopter deck extends across the full width of the ship. The after funnel is unusually flush decked but both funnels have been slightly extended after initial sea trials. Attempts have been made to incorporate stealth features. Main propulsion is the same as the `Udaloy II' class.
Reported as having a basic computerised combat data system.
Operational: Based in the Baltic.




IlyaG>Грейт сенкс! Буду искать.

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Long-range anti-ship missile.

The improved US ASW defences around carrier battlegroups during the 1970s increasingly restricted the effectiveness of Soviet submarines carrying the SS-N-7/9 `Starbright/`Siren' (Ametist/Malachit). At the same time the Soviet Navy wished to strengthen the defences of its SSBN bastions and this led to a requirement for a new missile, P700 Granit, which retained the philosophy of the long-range air-breathing anti-ship missile philosophy which had begun with P-6 Proygress. The new missile was probably designed by V N Chelomei and was destined for the Project 949 Atomic-Powered Cruise Missile Submarines or `Granit'
class (known in the West as `Oscar' class), the Project 1144 Atomic Rocket Cruisers (`Kirov' class battlecruisers) and the Project 1143.5 Tactical Aircraft-Carrying Cruisers (`Kuznetsov', formerly `Tbilisi' class aircraft carriers. It was also selected for the Project 949A or `Antyey' class nuclear submarines (`Oscar II').
Development of the missile may well have begun during the ninth Five Year Plan (1971-1975) with production authorised in the tenth Five Year Plan (1976-1980). The system entered service with the battlecruiser Kirov in July 1980.

No photographs of `Shipwreck' have yet been published but the missile is believed to have a broad cylinder body with pointed nose. Half way along the body is an air inlet for the turbofan or turbo-jet which is used in the cruising phase after the missile has been launched with the aid of two solid propellant boosters. There are two sharply swept-back wings and two swept-back tail fins with a similar stabiliser on the underside of the missile.
The missile is believed to have an inertial guidance system
possibly with provision for mid-course guidance in over-the-horizon (OTH) engagements although this seems unlikely (see below). Following the usual Soviet practice the missile employs active radar terminal guidance. It uses a 750 kg high explosive warhead with impact and proximity fuzes. Alternative payloads were reported to be nuclear or fuel-air explosive.
In submarines the missiles are carried in pairs of launch tubes inclined at an angle of 40є between the pressure hull and the casing, a hinged hatch protecting each pair. The missiles are arranged in two rows each of six pairs, each pair covered by a 7 m long hatch. In the `Kirov' class there is a similar arrangement although here the pairs of launchers are organised into five rows and each launcher has its own 3.5 x 2.5 m hatch. In the aircraft carriers the missiles are grouped in a similar fashion forward of the `island'. No reloads are carried by any of the platforms using this missile system.
In contrast to its predecessors in the long-range anti-ship role, none of the `Shipwreck' launch platforms appears to carry a missile guidance radar such as Front Door. It is reported that this task may be carried out either by Tu-95 `Bear D' long-range reconnaissance aircraft or the surface ship's Ka-25 `Hormone C' or Ka-27 `Helix B' helicopters with Big Bulge I/J-band radar or Radar Ocean Surveillance Satellites (RORSAT). The submarine fire-control system is apparently based upon the `Rim Hat' mast which is similar to `Bald Head' (see SS-N-7 Starbright/SS-N-9 `Siren'). This is similar to `Bald Head' but at the top of the mast is a `Snoop Pair' radar/ESM/data-link complex with back-to-back antennas, one for radar and the other for ESM/data link. This can be moved to provide a limited 3D facility. It is reported that this system can provide course-correction data to the missile which provides the launch platform with an Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Image allowing for target selection.
However, it seems more probable that the aircraft and the satellite feed target location data to the ships, and it is noteworthy that all the `Shipwreck' launch platforms carry `Punch Bowl' satellite communications systems. Targets can also be acquired by ship sensors, either radar or sonar, the bearing and range data then being fed into the missile guidance system. The outer hatch is then opened and the missile is launched, some reports suggesting a cold launch by means of a ram. The boosters take the missile out of the launcher tube in a ballistic trajectory which is continued when the jet engine begins to operate. When the missile achieves an altitude of 20,000 m it enters the cruise phase.
In its terminal phase the active radar seeker is used to acquire the target. Some reports suggest the missile is so sophisticated that the seeker has a home-on-jam capability. The terminal phase is completed with a high angle dive attack.

Some 300 missiles are believed to have been produced but production is complete. The missile is used only by the Russian Navy.

Class Type Search Launchers/
radar Missiles
`Oscar I/II' SSN Snoop Pair 12/24
`Kuznetsov' CV Strut Pair 12/12
`Kirov' CB Top Steer* 20/20

  • Top Plate in Kalinin

Length: 10 m
Diameter: 85 cm
Wing span: N/K
Weight: 3,250 kg
Speed: Mach 1.6 (some sources state Mach 2 or Mach 2.5)
Range: 550 km (296 nm)
Guidance: Inertial with command update and active radar

COMPANY NAME : NPO Mashinostroyenia

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