apple17: Все сообщения за 21 Ноября 2007 года

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Значит датировка серии фотографий, которые выкладывались ранее
(март 2005 года) ошибочна? Или он в 2005 году тоже пол года был в ремонте?


А какая из трех?

СС-310 вроде уволокли в Херсон
СС-226 в 2006 году была еще целая
Остается СС-256



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Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.


Смотрели туда уже - без толку

Кроме "Дубны", "Ингури" и "Красной Пресни" толком ничего не извлекается


Значит ваш товарищ систематически не выставляет часы в фотоаппарате :)
Те что с вертолета над мостами получается должны датироваться ноябрем 2006 года


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Норвежская лодка Ula

Russians in our backyard...

The first official visit ever of a Russian submarine to Norway. October 2006 a Norwegian submarine made a first-time visit to Severomorsk, the base for the Russian Northern fleet. This is a return "friendship" visit. A sign of understanding between the two neighboring countries. The Russion submarine "Yaroslav" is moored at Haakonsvern, the main Norwegian naval base about 15 km SW of the centre of the city of Bergen. It will stay for four days. The Norwegian submarine "Ula" S300 (length: 59 m, displacement surfaced 1040 tons) sails past "Yaroslav", a 70 meter long hunter/killer Kilo class diesel-electric submarine. They exchange greetings using the ships horn. Three Russian crew members can be seen saluting on the foredeck. During the cold war, the Norwegians assume that Russian submarines have penetrated Norwegian territorial waters a number of times. Several extensive hunts were a result, but never a submarine was caught red handed. At least not in Norway... In October 1981 the Soviet Whiskey class submarine U-137 ran aground in Swedish territorial waters near a naval base. The whole incident became know as "Whiskey on the rocks" [see an article on Wikipedia] Featured (without permission) on a Russian forum.


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