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PSS> Что видно под куда более крутому Зенгер-2 который имеет как большую стартовую массу чем Валькирия (и Семерка!) и полезную нагрузку меньше, чем у семерки. Да! и это при куда большее эффективном горючем. Водород против керосина..

Генри Спенсер в 2009 г. откопал ещё более близкое сравнение: X-30:

"Could a single-stage-to-orbit spaceship, something that could operate rather like an aeroplane, be built with just rocket engines? Well, actually, yes. In the 1980s, NASA and the US Air Force spent about $2 billion trying to build the X-30, a single-stage spaceship powered by scramjets (with help from rockets, of course). It never flew. At the same time, for comparison, NASA's Langley Research Center studied building a single-stage pure-rocket spaceship. The results were interesting.

The pure-rocket design was more than twice as heavy as X-30 at takeoff, because of all that LOX. On the other hand, its empty weight - the part you have to build and maintain - was 40% less than X-30's. It was about half the size. Its fuel and oxidiser together cost less than half as much per flight as X-30's fuel. And finally, because it quickly climbed out of the atmosphere and did its accelerating in vacuum, it had to endure rather lower stresses and less than 1% of X-30's friction heating. Which approach would be easier and cheaper to operate was pretty obvious."

(Rockets, not air-breathing planes, will be tomorrow's spaceships - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist)

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