Mester: Все сообщения за 16 Июля 2003 года

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можно вставить свои 5 копеек? :)
Udjin >Попытаться примкнуть к какой нибудь ассоциации зарубежной и получить в ней членство
не хотят они свое членство давать.....проверено гдето на 5 - 6 организациях типа ТРИполи

>Попытаться сделать тож самое через Досааф, поскольку эту организации сейчас "реанимают".

вот ето я не знаю........нафиг мы им?

>Зацепиться за местный клуб юных техников и получить соответствующую "корочку".

вот это интересней!!!!
такое у меня есть .....и бумажка с такой печатью позволяет проводить пуски ракет, причем можно даже в районе полетов самолетов, диспетчера при этом "открывают небо " на время стартов (бесплатно, только согласовывать все надо заранее). Самое интересное, что я могу работать на территории станции с ракетными топливами ( при соблюдении некоторых официальных правил ТБ) - ето я у МВДшников узнавал

>Стать официальными ракетомоделистами и вступить в федерацию ракетомодельного спорта.
взносы там - еще те деньги, + ваша страна должна быть членом ФАИ, и платить при этом взносы

если внимательно прочитать полные правила ФАИ по ракетам
( на русском их нет), то там сказано про ракетомодельные двигатели следующее -

“Space model engine” means a solid propellant rocket reaction engine in which all chemical ingredients of a
combustible nature are pre-mixed and ready for use.
No more than 125 g of propellant materials shall be contained in its space model engine(s) at the moment of launch.
2.4.6 A space model shall not contain any type of explosive or pyrotechnic payload.

A space model engine which shall supply the propulsive force for a space model must conform to the following
3.1.1 A space model engine shall be a solid propellant reaction engine which has all propellant ingredients preloaded into the
casting in such a manner that they cannot easily be removed. Delay tra ins and ejection charges may be pre-mixed and
packaged separately if the auxiliary package is a single, pre-assembled unit containing all of the remaining combustible
3.1.2 All space modelling events shall be divided into sub-classes according to total impulse as follows:
Event Class Total Impulse
A 0 to 2.5 Newton-Seconds (NS)
B 2.51 to 5.00 NS
C 5.01 to 10.00 NS
D 10.01 to 20.00 NS
E 20.01 to 40.00 NS
F 40.01 to 80.00 NS
3.1.3 Total impulse of a single engine is equal to the upper limit of the total impulse for the engine class.
3.1.4 In space modelling competitions usage of engines of the following total impulse is allowed:
Engine Class Total Impulse
A/2 1.25 Ns
A 2.50 Ns
B 5.00 Ns
C 10.00 Ns
D 20.00 Ns
E 40.00 Ns
F 80.00 Ns
A space model engine casing shall be made of non-metallic material of low thermal conductivity. The temperature of
the external surface of the casing shall not exceed 200 degrees Centrigrade during or fter operation. Minimum casting
diameter shall not be less than 10 millimetres.
A space model engine must be so designed and constructed that it will not rupture its casing in the event of internal
overpressure. Any malfunction resulting in internal overpressure should dissipate its force along the longitudinal axis
of the engine.
A space model engine must be so designed and constructed as to be incapable of spontaneous ignition in air, in water, as
a result of physical shocks, jarring, impacts or motion under conditions that would reasonably be expected to occur
during shipment, storage or use, or when subjected to a temperature of 80 degrees Centigrade or less.
A space model engine shall contain less than 125 grams of propellant material. It must not produce a total impulse of
more than 100 Newton-seconds and must have a thrust duration longer that 0,050 seconds.

A space model engine shall be shipped and stored with no ignition element installed that may be actuated by an open
flame, a temperature of less than 150 degrees Centigrade, or by incident radio-frequency radiation normally
encountered during shipping, storage and use.
A space model engine containing more than 20 grams of propellant materials shall be sealed at the factory with a nonmetallic
seal in the nozzle and in the forward end. These seals should be readily removable by the user unless the
engine is designed to perform its function with the seals in place.
A space model engine in operation shall expel from its nozzle no pieces of burning propellant and shall be incapable of
igniting a piece of dry paper or grass at a distance of one metre or more from the nozzle of the engine.
A space model engine shall not be altered in any manner to change its published and established performance
characteristics or dimensions.
A space model engine used in a space model in FAI competition or for the purpose of establishing or surpassing FAI
space model performance records shall be of a type previously tested and certified for such use by an FAI representative
National Airsports control.
3.10.1 Competitors or team managers must submit to the competition Organiser in advance of the competition the aero club
certification documents of all engine types to be used during the competition. These certification documents must
include data on engine dimensions, loaded weight, propellant weight, total impulse, thrust time curve, and time delay.
The certification documents must contain an affidavit stating that the space model engine type meets all FAI standards
as set forth in these rules.
3.10.2 The competition organisers must perform a static test on a random sample of each engine type to check the data of an
FAI representative Airsports Control if requested by a team manager.
Static testing by an FAI representative Airsports Control may be carried out by the club or by an organization
designated by the club. In all cases, the FAI representative Airsports Control shall be responsible for the accuracy and
correctness of all test data.
Copies of the test results should be at their request be given to the team managers of the competing countries.
Engines must be submitted in batches for testing. Batch is defined as the engines required for one engine class in an
event regardless of delay length. Maximum three batches are allowed per engine class per an event. In case of failure
of any engine in the batch or if the total impulse of the engine class is exceeded, the entire batch will be rejected.

ну и так далее.......так что забудьте про ФАИ......  

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