st_Paulus: Все сообщения за 2 Марта 2016 года

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One-Year Crew Ready for the Ride Home
Before climbing aboard the Soyuz spacecraft that would take them back to Earth on Mar. 1, Expedition 46 Commander Scott Kelly of NASA and cosmonauts Sergey Volkov and Mikhail Kornienko of Roscosmos said farewell to the crew staying onboard the International Space Station. Kelly, Kornienko and Volkov then boarded the Soyuz and prepared for the trip home.

One-Year Crew Departs Space Station
After saying farewell to the crew staying behind onboard the International Space Station and climbing aboard the Soyuz spacecraft that would take them back to Earth on Mar. 1, Expedition 46 Commander Scott Kelly of NASA and cosmonauts Sergey Volkov and Mikhail Kornienko of Roscosmos undocked their Soyuz from the Station and prepared for the trip home.

Expedition 46 Lands Safely to complete One Year Mission
Expedition 46 Commander Scott Kelly of NASA and cosmonauts Sergey Volkov and Mikhail Kornienko of Roscosmos landed safely in Kazakhstan on March 2. The landing wrapped up a 340 day mission aboard the International Space Station for Kelly and Kornienko, during which they gathered valuable biomedical data on the long duration effects of weightlessness on the human body that will be used to formulate a human mission to Mars.



V.Stepan> В Пентагоне согласились потерпеть Россию еще «какое-то время»
V.Stepan> Совсем крыша похала...

"adverse, tragic threat that we have to live for a while" - ну т.е. имеется в виду прошлое и настоящее. Это просто снова "журналист изнасиловал ученого".

"Putin scares your neighbors, the Balts, but we don’t know his goals. In your region have any uncertainty with the unexpected teachings of the Russians. You yourself are faced with their bombers worked through the attack, the aircraft off the transponders or airspace violations"

Ох уж эти испуганные прибалты. Кто-нибудь внятно может объяснить, зачем реально может понадобиться их кровавое порабощение?

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