zaitcev: Все сообщения за 13 Декабря 2022 года

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Готовится пуск сразу трех спутников на ГПО на Ариан-5. Вроде раньше не было такого. Множество попутных нагрузок было. Но тут вроде все 3 - основные.

First in new generation of European weather satellites ready for launch – Spaceflight Now

The first in a new generation of European weather satellites is set for launch Tuesday on a mission that promises to improve the timeliness and precision of weather forecasts for Europe and Africa, sharing a ride to space from French Guiana on an Ariane 5 rocket with two Intelsat communications satellites. The first of six satellites in Europe’s 4.3 billion euro ($4.5 billion) Meteosat Third Generation, or MTG, program will head for a position in geostationary orbit more than 22,000 miles (nearly 36,000 kilometers) over the equator to begin a planned eight-and-a-half-year service life. //  Дальше —

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