bearus: Все сообщения за 14 Декабря 2017 года

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xab> На таких скоростях железка все равно, что не управляемая.

ну, справедливости ради, помимо чисто железяки (intert HVP) предполагается версия со шрапнелью ("kinetic energy dispensing variant"), которая должна выбрасываться около цели небольшим зарядом (<100 гр), плюс ещё планируется протестировать версию HVP с ~2 фунтами взрывчатки ("live HVP"):

September 2017 (White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico):
All powder gun tests would utilize inert (no high explosive [HE]) HVPs. The EM Railgun tests
would utilize inert slugs, inert HVPs, and live (containing less than 2 lbs HE) HVPs.

EM Railgun HVP Tests:
Under the proposed action, HVPs would be fired from the EM Railgun for various system-level demonstrations at speeds up 6,560 ft/s (2,000 m/s) and ranges to 100 NM (185 km). Projectiles may be guided and include telemetry. Typical gun range instrumentation would be used. HVP tests would be performed against ground and aerial targets.

Three types of projectiles would be tested:
• An inert variant with no electronics that flies a ballistic trajectory
• An inert variant with electronics that has the ability to maneuver
• A live (containing HE) variant with electronics that has the ability to maneuver

The live variant would contain less than 2 lb (0.9 kg) of explosives and would be used against ground or air targets. These projectiles are intended to burst and fragment just prior to striking the target.

Powder Gun HVP Tests:
HVPs would be fired from various conventional powder guns at speeds up to 2,908 miles per hour ([mph], 1,300 m/s) and at ranges of approximately 35 NM (65 km). The same three types of projectiles described above may be fired from the conventional guns.


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