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Насчет баков - да, это конформные баки на Ф-15.

Насчет болтов - в тексте сказано "bolted", а не "screwed". Хотя это всё равно могли быть и винты в значении - "привинчены". Но это, наверное, не так уж принципиально важно.

Кстати, автор-то не журналист, а очень опытный и заслуженный морской летчик ВМС США, личный друг лучшего аса войны во Вьетнаме Рэнди Каннингхэма. В предисловии к книге автор благодарит летчиков-участников рейда (не называя их имен), на основе интервью с которыми он и написал эту книгу. Так что, хоть это, наверное, стопроцентно всё равно не гарантирует от ляпов (возможно оговорок), но всё же к словам этого человека надо подходить с большим доверием. Он - не журналюга, он сам военный летчик-профессионал.

И насчет высоты - если там всё-таки было 1700 м, то Назипыч, значит, прав в этом вопросе. Так?

Сегодня имел проблему с входом в инет, так что не переводил. Но раньше подобрал кое-какую инфу из разных книг, которую могу выложить, только без перевода, кроме куска в самом конце. Ну, да там всё и так предельно просто.

On Falcon Wings: the F-16 story” (книга) by Lindsay Peacock.
UK: The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund Enterprises, 1997.

p.85 – In February 1983, a follow-on purchase of 40 F-16A and 4 F-16B [by Belgium]
was announced. Although basically similar to previous examples, F-16A from this batch incorporated extended tail fairings (выступающие наплывы в хвосте). These were used to house internal ECM components. It was originally planned to incorporate the Rapport III system but eventually it was decided to install Carapace [Dassault Electronique Carapace – p.109].

p.102 — …many aircraft also feature an extended fairing at the base of the fin which contains a drag chute. [This is used by a number of foreign Air Forces.] Belgian F-16s have the extended fairing but it is used to house internal ECM boxes. [F-16A are meant here]

p.46 – Export aircraft generally conform to US configurations but sometimes do embody features that are not standard items on USAF Fighting Falcons. These include …the bulged spine on Israeli F-16D that accommodates additional avionics.

p.93 – The F-16 has been extensively modified in Israeli service with much locally produced electronic equipment being fitted as well as additional chaff / flare dispenser units. This process is perhaps best exemplified by the two-seat F-16D (called in Israel the Brakeet), since most (probably all) of the 54 examples delivered to the IDF/AF feature a prominent dorsal spine. Incorporated during manufacture at Fort Worth, this fairing contains avionics (possibly the Elisra SPS 300 ECM jamming system) permitting use in the defense suppression role.

p.39 – The sole AFTI F-16 (Advanced Fighter Technology Integration F-16 testbed) first flew on 10 July 1982. It ranks among the most extensively modified of all Fighting Falcons. Its additional avionics were also contained in a much enlarged dorsal spine that is similar to but by no means as large as that fitted to some Israeli F-16Ds.

p.45 – The aircraft [F-16C Block 40/42] had full Group A provisions for advanced internal electronic warfare (EW) systems.

p.109 – Internally-housed jamming systems are coming into favor. Noteworthy among them are the Dassault Electronique Carapace, Northrop Grumman AN/ALQ-162, Loral AN/ALQ-178(V)3 Rapport III and Elta EL/L-8240 (Israel). In view of this diversity, it may be said that while every F-16 operator is anxious to minimize the threat posed by ground-based defensive systems, there appears to be little consensus as to how this can best be accomplished.

p.106 – The F-16 is cleared for the use of the AGM-84 Harpoon.

p.108 – The F-16C/D models incorporate the AN/APG-68(V) pulse Doppler range and angle track radar which includes …ground mapping and the Block 50/52 have …DTS {Digital Terrain System). The F-16 is the first US aircraft to employ DTS. It involves using radar altimeter inputs, a digital terrain data base and terrain profile matching comparisons. DTS modes include: very accurate reference navigation, ground collision avoidance system, terrain following, obstacle warning and cueing, and passive air-to-ground ranging.

“Uncovering the Lockheed Martin F-16 A / B / C / D” (книга) by Danny Coremans & Nico Deboeck. Belgium: Daco Publications, 2001.

p.13 – The Rapport III ECM Threat Warning System is nowadays only in use on some of the Israeli F-16s. The Belgian F-16s were prepared to be equipped with this ECM system as well but the government stopped the project while in development. The housings were removed when the Carapace ECM system by Dassault was selected instead.

p.14 – The Carapace ECM pod [a small box underneath the fuselage] is only to be found on Belgian F-16s.

p.39 – The Belgian Air Force uses the larger base of the vertical tail to install part of its ECM system as does Israel on some of their F-16Cs.

Modern Fighters” (книга) by Mike Spick. Washington, D.C., USA: Brassey’s, 2000.

p.107 — The F-16A was equipped with the Westinghouse APG pulse-Doppler multimode radar with 4 air-to-air modes and ranges against a fighter-sized target of 39 nm (72 km) in uplook and 26 nm (48 km) in downlook.

Designed for the kill” (книга) by Mike Spick. UK: Airlife, 1995.

p.52 – The only visible change to the F-16C/D [compared to the A/B models] is the tail root housing, which was enlarged to contain 2 units of the ALQ-165 Advanced Self-Protection Jammer.

In its original form, the APG-66 had 11 modes, 4 of them air-to-air, the rest – air-to-surface or navigation. Of the air-to-air modes, uplook search utilized low prfs to detect medium or high flying targets at the longest possible range: about 39 nm (72 km) against a MiG-23 Flogger or 70 nm (130 km) against the huge Tu-95 Bear. Downlook search was a medium prf mode used against low flying targets. Downlook detection ranges were about 26 nm (48 km) against a Flogger and 54 nm (100 km) against a Bear.
The new APG-68 radar in the F-16C/D had its range of uplook and downlook search increased by a third, while a new mode – Velocity Search – allowed detection of head-on closing targets at up to 160 nm (300 km). Other new air-to-air modes were Range While Search and Track While Scan which could track up to 10 targets simultaneously. A track retention feature when looking down gave a certain amount of capability to continue tracking even when the target turned through 90-degree angle off.
New air-to-surface modes used synthetic aperture techniques to give Ground Moving Target Indication and Ground Moving Target Tracking.
Continuous wave guidance was provided for the SARH Sparrow while software changes allowed later Amraam to be carried.
The cockpit was modified to suit the new radar and other avionics with two multifunction displays and a wide angle HUD compatible with the LANTIRN (Low Altitude Navigation Targeting and Infra-Red for Night) pod, while providing an enhanced envelope gun sight.

Modern Fighters” (книга) by Mike Spick. Washington, D.C., USA: Brassey’s, 2000.

p.108 – As at spring 1999, the Viper (Вайпер - змея Гадюка - летчики обычно так называют Ф-16 вместо Фалкон) has been credited with many air victories. The first was a Syrian Mi-8 helicopter, shot down with cannon fire by a young Israeli pilot on April 28, 1981. The fir…

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Это сообщение редактировалось 23.05.2006 в 11:53


Владимир Малюх: А вот screwd - означет чаще совсем другое -"испорчено", "сделано как попало".

В этом значении надо слово даже посильнее использовать. Типа: нас трахнули. Мы трахнули. Оттрахали.
Но это может иметь и прямой смысл - привинтить.

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