Militarist: Все сообщения за 6 Июня 2006 года

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Вот ещё кое-какие сведения о Ягуаре.

Navigation system.

When delivered, the Jaguar’s Markoni-Elliott NAVWASS, with its E3R inertial platform and MSC920M computer was remarkable, offering a single-seat fighter-pilot the maximum chance of making a first-pass attack without reference to TACAN or any other external aid, which might be unavailable in wartime (Саша Леонов и Назипыч – ваши мысли). Steering commands were generated in the HUD and aircraft position (which could be updated by observations in flight) was displayed on the moving map. The equipment marked a new level of navigational accuracy for non radar-equipped single-crew aircraft.

During the mid-1980s NAVWASS was replaced in RAF and Omani Jaguars by the even better Ferranti FIN1064 which also acts as a weapons delivery computer. Five black boxes were replaced by one which saved 50-kg weight, quadrupled memory to 64K and saved 66% of space. This was accompanied by a further improvement in accuracy with 99% serviceability and a drift rate of less than one mph (mile/hour). The pilot aligns his map on the TABS (Total Avionics Briefing System) digitizing map table in the crew room, using a cursor to plot waypoints and enter them into a tiny Portable Data Store which can be plugged into the cockpit. TABS also supplies a hard copy on paper.

Late Indian Jaguars also have a new system which incorporates a Sea Harrier – type Smith HUDWAC, a SAGEM ULISS82 INS and a GEC Ferranti combined map and electronic display as used in the F/A-18 Hornet.

Empty weight: 7000 kg.
Maximum take-off weight: 15700 kg.
Maximum fuel-weapon load: 4763 kg.
Maximum Mach at high level: Mach 1.6
Maximum Mach at low level: Mach 1.1
Minimum speed in stable flight: 213 km/hr

Typical attack radius with external fuel:
Hi-lo-hi: 1408 km.

Ferry range: 3524 km.

Usable internal fuel: 4180 liters (in self-sealing tanks.

Three drop-tanks – each 1187 liters.

Вот что написано о варианте управления двигателем (Назипыч, мотай на ус):

The Adour-102 jet engine had a part-throttle reheat system which could be engaged at 85% rpm to smooth out the sudden jump in the thrust graph.

The Jaguar was easy to maintain with a 15-minute turn-around time, including rearming.
Engine change – 30 minutes. Access to the engine for routine tasks did not require a ladder.

10.5 man-hours per flying hour.
Major Overhaul Interval was to be 1000 flying hours. But RAF jaguars are now overhauled after 2000 hours.

Aiframe life was specified as 3000 hours but RAF Jaguars are already in 4000 hours region.

An early French Jaguar carried a maximum bombload of eight 400-kg bombs.

Продолжение следует.


Методики расчета у меня нет, но ведь дальность перегона определяется практическим путем. Если запас топлива (с ПТБ) у Ягуара и МиГ-27 практически одинаковый (по данным Зеро), а Ягуар намного меньше и легче, при том, что его движки экономичнее - вполне естесственно, что дальность перегона у Ягуара намного больше. Хотя об абсолютной цифре спорить не могу, т.к. она не рассчитана, а приводится в справочнике данных.


А мне интересно бы узнать про впечатления от Миражей, Торнадо и Еврофайтера.

sxam, рассказали бы какие-нибудь подробности.


Куда там МиГ-23 залетел без пилота?

В Бельгию. Но кажется всего лишь из ГДР?

Про качество не знаю, но почему оно будет хуже у Ягуара?

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